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by <object object at 0x7f385e93b580> last modified 08/05/2015 01:42 PM

Win prizes!

by <object object at 0x7f385e93b580> last modified 08/05/2015 01:42 PM
Win prizes!

Complete our 10 question survey and you may win a prize

At Trinity, we value your feedback.

We want to hear your feedback so that we can improve our Centre and provide the activities you want to see.

Over the past few years we have been working to improve the centre and deliver activities that people want to see happening in their local area. Below are some suggestions we've acted on previously.

We'd like to hear from you about your experiences of Trinity and if there's anything we can improve on.

Click here to complete this short survey and you could win one of the following:

  • two free tickets to an upcoming gig of your choice
  • £50 off your next hire
  • a limited edition Trinity T-shirt

Offer ends 1st May 2015.

You said...we did!

bike racks” We fitted lots of new bike racks and a bike shelter.

children's play area” We installed an exciting new green play-scape, inspired by nature and built to promote creative and interactive play.

The entrance is so confusing I nearly walked out…” We redeveloped the Centre to improve layout for visitors, including a new daytime entrance and Reception.

heating” We fitted a new boiler and underfloor heating for the upstairs hall spaces.

Upstairs has limited facilities” We redeveloped the upstairs hall to create a large hall for theatre, dance and performance, weddings and parties.

Doesn't really serve the community...there's no real community centric activities” We've worked to secure project funding for a range of free community activities, including an exciting Bristol 2015 programme of gardening workshops, as part of the Grow it, Cook it, Eat it! project.

"Kitchen to prepare food" We revamped our kitchen so that it can now provide suitable space for food preparation.

"Dedicated accessible parking" We resurfaced our grounds and created four dedicated accessible parking bays.

And some things we're still working on...

"Would use the garden more if the seating was improved and there was a gazebo" - we're looking into funding to fit a new covered seating area

"Better ventilation" We're looking to install a new ventilation system this year, to improve people's experiences during busy events.

"Art based workshops" We're looking at developing a summer arts workshop project for young people.

We value your suggestions and they do make a difference so please take the time to feed back to us.

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