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by <object object at 0x7fb93c4d2580> last modified 18/03/2020 04:10 PM

Supporting people in crisis

by <object object at 0x7fb93c4d2580> last modified 18/03/2020 04:10 PM
Supporting people in crisis

Register your interest to volunteer as part of Bristol's response to helping those most vulnerable

With the city quickly going into lock down due to Covid-19, what happens to those who are not able to easily self isolate?

Whether it be older people who are already isolated, families on low income, refugee communities or Bristol's rough sleeping population, there are many who for whom self-isolating is a luxury not a choice they can easily make.

In spite of everyone feeling precarious and uncertain, we've been hugely heartened by the many people getting in touch with us to express their concerns and offering to help and volunteer to support others.

Bristol City Council is already putting a plan together as to how to support vulnerable groups.

Trinity is liaising with city sector groups, including Voscur and Up Our Street, other community spaces such as Wellspring Settlement, agencies supporting vulnerable groups such as Caring in Bristol and In Hope, as well as national partners such as Locality to look as to how our building will play a part in this plan.

We will keep people posted via our website and mailing lists as these plans evolve. If you would like to register your interest in response to supporting in the delivery of this plan, you can register your interest via Bristol City Council's official registration page.

Thank you to everyone who is working to support those most vulnerable through this unprecedented global crisis. We will continue to do what we can help too.

Emma, CEO

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