Backing community business

How we’re shaping the conditions for community business to thrive.

Financing the future economy

How community businesses can access the right finance to achieve their ambitions.

Hyperlocal Booster Report

Estimating the impact of community business at the neighbourhood level.

What is community business?

Community businesses help make places better in a real way.

Take Back the High Street

We are perilously close to losing these community spaces that are vital to local economies, community cohesion and civic pride and more. In our new campaign we outline our vision to save the UK’s high streets. 

The independent trust that strengthens communities through community business

Together we can create better places. We can overcome the barriers communities face.
Our mission is to strengthen community businesses to tackle some of society’s biggest challenges.
Recovery is happening and community businesses should be central to local economic growth.

How we
can help you

Be inspired by community insights

The impact of community business

Meet the team

The latest
News and events