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by <object object at 0x7f6e0c78f580> last modified 01/11/2022 10:44 AM

Gardening and Cooking for wellbeing

by <object object at 0x7f6e0c78f580> last modified 01/11/2022 10:44 AM

Trinity have partnered with Coexist Community Kitchen to deliver a series of community gardening and cooking sessions. The sessions are aimed at bringing people together from a wide range of backgrounds to learn more about gardening, harvesting and cooking in our beautiful garden.

“I’ve loved learning to cook authentic meals from different parts of the world, coming together with people from different backgrounds and learning about their food” - Toby, Participant

Coexist Community Kitchen work with individuals who are accessing support for mental health issues, addiction, loneliness, and anyone who would benefit from taking part in outdoor activities to improve their personal well-being. The group learn about and take part in harvesting fresh produce such as carrots, marrows and radishes, before coming together to cook a meal as a group. In one session, participants made Vietnamese-style vegetable spring rolls and pancakes with vegetables and herbs picked garden.

Over the summer we delivered six weekly sessions, with around 30 people taking part. Participants spoke about how these sessions help with mental well-being, reduced isolation and loneliness, and offered the chance to learn more about cooking and gardening. Being able to offer free, outdoor sessions is something that has become increasingly important, especially post-pandemic when isolation has become more common.

We launch a new series of Community Cooking Sessions on 13 Sep. Click here to find out more.

These events are part of Eastside People and Places, made possible through funding from Bristol Impact Fund.

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