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by <object object at 0x7f385e93b580> last modified 30/08/2013 08:52 AM

New features for the Garden project

by <object object at 0x7f385e93b580> last modified 30/08/2013 08:52 AM
New features for the Garden project

Lunch at the outdoor kitchen with Awaz Utaoh

This Sat 31st August Trinity's Garden Project will be building a brand new wash up area for the garden by re-using pallets salvaged before heading to landfill. Anita Flynn, one of our Volunteer Garden Coordinators said "This much needed structure is going to be of great benefit to the functioning of our outdoor kitchen making it even more accessible and a great space for volunteers, community groups and workshops".

Anita, added "this weekend we will also be white-washing the cob round house walls so bring your overalls as its a messy job!"

On the same day, the Garden Project will be hosting a Free Solar Panel workshop with Demand Energy Equality.

Three of Trinity Community Garden's regular volunteers will be attending the free DIY solar panel workshop, where they will learn the practical skills of making a solar panel, re-using materials that would often be thrown out. The solar panel will then be installed on to our outdoor kitchen giving us solar powered light throughout the year! The Garden volunteers continue to find to find innovative ways to recycle and reuse everyday waste creating practical functional features for the project to be shared by all who use it.

The Garden Project is dong a fantastic job with very little funds, if you want to contribute to help keep this valuable asset open to the community you can come and join them at one of their regular volunteer days. If you would like to support the project in other ways please visit the Just Giving Page for more info.

The volunteer day runs from 11am to 5pm, if you can't make it this Saturday come along to the next one, Sunday 29th Sep . Everyone is welcome!

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