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New training courses for young people

by <object object at 0x7f6e0c78f580> last modified 14/03/2014 02:14 PM
New training courses for young people

If you are a young person 16-18yrs looking for something to do, why not come along and get creating!

Delivered as part of a new partnership with Weston College, our new programme of learning for young people - Makin' It - will provide courses in Art & Music.

The arts sessions for young people 16-18yrs (not in education, training or employment) will teach skills in areas including graffiti art, graphic & textile design - it will give those taking part a chance to realise their ideas within a medium of their choice. This will be alongside our established music training course - offered since 2005 - where young people get to learn about music composition, lyric-writing, sequencing, production, instrumental study and live performance - as well as how to best market themselves and their music effectively.

All our courses are accredited and are FREE, with travel expenses and food provided. Course lengths are between 6-12weeks.

Whether you are a young person looking to sign up, or you are looking to make a referral - or just to find out more - contact: 0117 935 1200

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