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by <object object at 0x7f6e0c78f580> last modified 13/10/2011 08:39 AM

YOU can change Old Market!

by <object object at 0x7f6e0c78f580> last modified 13/10/2011 08:39 AM
YOU can change Old Market!

The beautiful, vibrant, historic Old Market needs your input on future developments


Recognising the exceptional potential of the Old Market area, The Prince’s Foundation for the Built Environment has offered their expertise and support in developing a vision for our neighbourhood.

All members of the community are invited to attend the two interactive public workshop sessions at the Marriott Hotel.

The first, public session on  25 October between 7pm-8:30om will be asking "What are the key issues for Old Market?". The second session on 27 October from 7pm-8pm will ask attendees "What is your vision for Old Market?". There will also be a third meeting on  26 October with stakeholders including the Old Market Community Association, the Village Business and Residents Association and Destination Bristol.

This is your opportunity to shape the future of Old Market - don't miss it!

For more information email, visit or phone 0117 929 0484.

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