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by dc — last modified 20/12/2013 04:55 PM

Vice and Virtue Autumn Update

by dc — last modified 20/12/2013 04:55 PM
Vice and Virtue Autumn Update

The Kings Cinema Old Market

Two months in to the Vice and Virtue project and coordinator Dr Edson Burton is already beginning to gain a fascinating insight into the history of this much loved Bristol High Street. Former Old Market residents and visitors paint a colourful picture of a street where you could: dance 'the waltz and foxtrot; buy oranges and, even more exotic, bananas  when none were available elsewhere; play skittles at the drill hall; watch Barbarella at the infamous Kings Cinema; shop at Hurwoods; worship at the imposing Methodist Central Hall; pawn suits and buy them back in time for Sunday.


Over the course of the project year we will keep you up to date with our findings. We will also upload audio and visual content as it comes through to us.

Vice and Virtue would like to extend a special thanks to the Bristol Industrial Archaeological Society, historian John Penny, community activist Mariateresa, the IC-Lab for their advice and support.

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