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Gentle Dance - Postponed

07/01/2019 01:00 PM to
23/12/2020 03:00 PM
Trinity Centre
Ticket price
£4 (suggested donation)
Age limit
Contact number
0117 935 1200
Contact e-mail

Gentle Dance - Postponed

Mondays 1pm-3pm - Dance sessions for over 50s

Due to the Covid-19 outbreak, this event has been postponed. The health and safety of the people using our Centre is our top priority you can find out what we are doing to respond to the COVID-19 outbreak here.


Led by dance tutor, Barry Shields, the sessions are friendly and relaxed on a large dance floor.

From club style social dancing to ballroom, Latin and music across the decades.

Everyone is welcome, no partner is needed and open to absolute beginners.

Just turn up!

Suggested donation £3 which helps to cover the dance tutor.

Please note this class doesn't run on Bank Holiday Mondays.

Accepting Macmillan Taster Tokens! Find out how you can access this activity for free by calling the Macmillan Prevention and Re-enablement team on 0117 353 3042

Please note: Trinity operates a 24hr Pay & Display Car Park and all Visitors are required to Pay & Display.

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