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by <object object at 0x7f6e0c78f580> last modified 18/09/2024 07:19 PM

Misfits' Rhythm of the Night

by <object object at 0x7f6e0c78f580> last modified 18/09/2024 07:19 PM
Misfits' Rhythm of the Night

Join in with the best disco in Bristol!

The Misfits Theatre Company and our members have benefited greatly from the relationship we have established with Trinity Community Arts.

Through Trinity providing subsidized hall space for us, we have been able to put on social events for people with learning disabilities over the last 8 years.

It is very hard for someone with a learning disability to have a normal social life. So with Trinity helping us put on full on monthly nightclubs is amazing. We have nearly  200 people dancing the night away at each Rhythm of the Night event and it is getting bigger and better. Join us on the last Thursday of the month and see for yourself...everybody is welcome!

2017 has been the best so far and we are thinking of inviting DJs and musicians with disabilities to perform at these social events, as we did with Plymouth's Funky Llama in 2016.

Trinity has supported these successful nightclubs with staff time, facilities and equipment. This partnership approach has been rewarding for everyone.

We have also seen from their wider community work that Trinity is committed to being a centre for the people of Bristol. Trinity has made a fantastic use of a valuable building and given it a new lease of life.

Tony Holdom, Creative Director, Misfits Theatre Company UK.

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