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CCTV Policy

by <object object at 0x7f6e0c78f580> last modified 18/09/2024 06:09 PM
CCTV Policy

Banksy knows...we're all being watched...


Trinity operates a CTV system across the site, used for maintaining public safety, the security of property and premises and for preventing and investigating crime.

Our system is owned and managed by the Trinity Community Arts Ltd and operated by Trinity Facilities Team.  The responsible manager is the Facilities Coordinator.

CCTV at Trinity

Cameras are located at strategic points throughout the site, principally at entrance and exit points and public spaces.

Signage is placed at site entry points to inform staff, visitors and members of the public that a CCTV installation is in use.

Our CCTV system is registered with the Information Commissioner.


CCTV is stored securely with restricted access and only retained for a limited period.


Trinity will only disclose CCTV images to the following sources in the following instances -


  • Law enforcement agencies to assist in a specific criminal enquiry
  • Prosecution agencies and relevant legal representatives
  • The media, where approved by the above agents, in relation to a specific criminal incident

If you are investigating a crime, please contact us via / 0117 935 1200 or visit the Office.

Personal data

  • People whose images have been recorded and retained can make a request to see this data - please see our Privacy Policy for information about how to make a Data Subject Access Request.
  • If your enquiry relates to a crime that you feel may have been committed, please contact the police in the first instance. They will issue you with a crime reference number so that we are able to provide them with any relevant images. We cannot provide individuals with access to this data.
  • If your enquiry relates to an insurance claim, please contact your insurer in the first instance.
  • Please note, that CCTV images are only stored for a maximum 30 days before being automatically deleted.

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