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Bristol Seed Swap

Starts 12:00 PM to 04:00 PM
Trinity Centre
Ticket price
Contact number
0117 935 1200
Contact e-mail
More Info

Bristol Seed Swap

Give what you can, take what you need, let's make growing affordable and fun

Bristol Seed Swap brings people together to exchange seeds, promote food growing and gardening, and encourage resilience in our food system.

The 2023 Bristol Seed Swap will have a whole new line up of speakers, more stalls, the ever popular cafe and this year there will be a kids' area again. There will not be a booking system this year and tickets will be allocated for the speakers on a first come first served basis.

Take what you need, give what you can: Bring your own seeds to exchange or give a cash donation.

What can I expect at Bristol Seed Swap?

  • Seed Tables - where you can browse to choose the seeds you need
  • Speakers - hear from experts on seed saving, food resilience, gardening and more
  • (2023 programme here )
  • Stalls - selling plants, seeds, 'green' goods and promoting organisations with a growing or ethical theme
  • Food - a wonderful pop-up cafe serving fabulous drinks and cake
  • Information - about local growing projects, and how to get growing
  • People - lots of friendly and happy volunteers and visitors
  • Free Entry and Seeds!

We want as many people as possible to grow food and to get into gardening generally. Money should be no barrier to doing so.

What do I need to bring?

Seeds - to add to the Seed Tables if you have any, these can be spare shop bought seeds or ones you have saved yourself.Friends and Neighbours - tell the gardeners in your life about the Swap, some people are just too busy growing things to look at social media - we find it hard to reach them with publicity.​

​Cash - for donations, payments can be taken through Paypal too.

Warm Clothes - you may have to queue for a while.

Volunteer at Bristol Seed Swap

If you’d like to get involved with organising Bristol Seed Swap 2023, or simply help out on the day next time, please email

General Enquiries

To offer seeds, enquire about a stall in 2023, suggest a collaboration, or requests a speaker, or any other enquiry email

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