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by sarah — last modified 04/03/2024 02:50 PM
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All Ah Wi International Women's Day take over

Starts 10:00 AM to 03:30 PM
Ticket price
Contact name
Saláma Kefentse-Francis
Contact number
0117 935 1200
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All Ah Wi International Women's Day take over

Celebrating all women, near and far

Celebrate International Women's Day with peers and sisterhood all under one roof.

Indulge in movement, spiritual healing, music and take part in live podcasting discussions.

Throughout the day there will be workshops and sessions hosted by Carmen Carrol and the Keep it Real Podcast team.

The event will be hosted by the All Ah Wi Women's group in partnership with Trinity Community Arts.


10am-10.50am Holding Space

11am-11.45am Freedom Soul Dance workshop with Penny Avery - a fusion of West African contemporary and afrobeat

12pm-12.30pm Essential oils 101 with Michelle Meridith

12.30pm-1.20pm Music by DJs Kissan and Delicious

1.30-2pm- 5 steps to overcoming childhood trauma with Carmen Carol

2-3pm Keep It Real Podcast

About Carmen Carrol

Carmen's enduring passion for art and writing has remained steadfast and blossomed into a vibrant force in her adult life. Embracing her innate creativity, she has seamlessly woven it into her professional endeavours, carving a path as a freelance events promoter and writer.

About Keep it Real Podcast

Welcome to Keep It Real, the podcast where we tear down the patriarchy and save woman kind, hosted by BBC Radio 1 favourite Ruth Royall, DJ/Percussionist Rhiipercussion, MC/Poet and hiphop artist Madly and jungle queen DJ Anna Pixie Holmes. The podcast explores equality in the music industry, body positivity and invite you to come Keep It Real with them.

Holly Wellington joins the Keep It Real team to discuss 'Women's health visibility in the music industry.

When Holysseus Fly (Holly) burst onto the scene with her 2023 debut solo EP ‘Birthpool’, it was clear that she was something special. As the vocalist, co-writer and pianist with critically acclaimed collective Ishmael Ensemble, Holysseus Fly has already made a powerful impression as a solo artist.

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