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Griefwalker Premiere in Bristol UK

Starts 07:00 PM to 09:30 PM
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Griefwalker Premiere in Bristol UK

Public Film Screening & Talk

Griefwalker is a National Film Board of Canada feature documentary film. It is a lyrical, poetic portrait of Stephen’s work with dying people. Filmed over a twelve year period, Griefwalker shows Jenkinson in teaching sessions with doctors and nurses, in counselling sessions with dying people and their families, and in meditative and often frank exchanges with the film’s director while paddling a birch bark canoe about the origins and consequences of his ideas for how we live and die.

Admission - £7 cash at the door

Door opens at 6:30pm

Location: TCA, The Trinity Centre, Trinity Rd, Bristol, Avon BS2 0NW

Contact Mel West

To book ahead go to

A few of the themes appearing in the film: Where does our culture’s death phobia come from? Is there such a thing as good dying? How is it that grief could be a skill instead of an affliction? Who are the dead to us? How can seeing your life’s end be the beginning of your deep love of being alive?

Stephen Jenkinson has appeared at scores of screenings of Griefwalker across Canada and the U.S. It seems the film detonates a strong desire among people to talk about their experiences of death and grief, and especially to be heard by others. It is clear that a palpable feeling of isolation grows up around people’s encounters with dying in our culture, and the National Film Board and Tim Wilson have done something vital and needed in helping to make the kind of soulful, community building events that Griefwalker screenings have become.

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