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Splinters: Bristol

Starts 07:00 PM to 10:00 PM
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Splinters: Bristol

Award winning Splinters movie and talk on sustainable surfing in Papua New Guinea.

The award winning surf film Splinters, which documents the emerging indigenous surf culture in Papua New Guinea, is to be shown at three selected venues in a UK mini-tour. Directed by Adam Pesce, the film also examines the sensitive issues of a very male dominated society coming to grips with a 21st Century world.

We are also delighted to welcome Andy Able the President of the Surfing Association of Papua New Guinea (SAPNG) who will be giving a presentation and Q&A session on the amazing waves and culture of PNG and work he is leading on establishing a sustainable surfing system with benefits for the host community as well as ensuring quality experiences for visiting surfers.

PNG is regarded as one of the last unknown frontiers of warm water surfing and SAPNG has introduced limits on the number of surfers at each break as well as a levy that guarantees benefits going to local communities and local surfers.

The film and evening are not just about surfing and will appeal to a broader audience including those with interest in emerging cultures, societal challenges travel, journalism and film making.

“Engrossing, endlessly surprising…a great documentary.” Filmmaker magazine

All funds will be used to supply surfboards to the local Papua New Guinea Surf Club.

Ticket includes entry into a prize draw for a fully paid trip to Papua New Guinea and surf the stunning waves with The Wave ambassador Alan Stokes.

All of the money from the ticket sales will be used to buy some new boards for Papua New Guinea surf clubs featured in the film.

There will also be a prize draw. One lucky person from the whole tour will win an all expenses 10-day trip for two to Papua New Guinea hosted by SAPNG.

So your £7.50 ticket will get you:

An amazing film, an amazing talk and slide show, a warm glowing feeling as you will have donated £7.50 towards people who could really do with some boards, a free drink and if you are the lucky person – a trip that will blow your mind!

Screenings will start at 7.30 and doors will open at 7.00.

Tickets can be booked from the Riverside Studios for London and links from our website

London Riverside Studios:

The tour has been generously funded by Papua New Guinea Travel and supported by Plymouth University Sustainability and Surfing Research Group and School of Government.

For further details contact Chris Hines at or 07850 561 or Nick Hounsfield

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