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by <object object at 0x7f3279989580> last modified 05/10/2015 12:34 PM

Trinity needs votes for M&S Energy Fund

by <object object at 0x7f3279989580> last modified 05/10/2015 12:34 PM
Trinity needs votes for M&S Energy Fund

Trinity has been short-listed for the M&S Energy Community Energy Fund & needs your vote!

Trinity has been short-listed for the M&S Energy Community Energy Fund.

A public vote will decide which community groups win a share of the £400,000 available to enable more communities in the UK to generate renewable energy and become environmentally and financially sustainable.

If successful, the funds will contribute toward the installation of solar PV to Trinity Centre roof, to help support ongoing maintenance costs of this much-loved, grade II* listed, community arts centre.

We already have £1,000 committed from the Naturesave Trust toward the project and are seeking support from Heritage Lottery Fund as part of a wider building works programme to repair the windows and masonry.

Voting commences on the 17 August and closes on 30 September.

Cast your vote here!

You can show your support for the project directly by supporting our crowdfunding project here.

There's also still time to vote for Trinity as Just Giving's Charity of the Year.

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