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by <object object at 0x7fb93c4d2580> last modified 11/05/2016 02:21 PM

Naturesave Trust Solar PV

by <object object at 0x7fb93c4d2580> last modified 11/05/2016 02:21 PM
Naturesave Trust Solar PV

A solar PV installation, supported by the Naturesave Trust, will help with the building's long-term sustainability

The need for Solar PV has been identified as an essential measure in a recent 'Green Audit' carried out by UWE graduates, to improve our long-term sustainability.

Installation of Solar PV will compliment other recently funded improvement works - including roof insulation, improved heating controls and new LED lighting - leading to significant improvements to the energy performance of the building, enabling us to ensure the building's future.

The installation will form part of a wider capital project, for which we are seeking support from Heritage Lottery Fund, to repair our windows, roofing, stonework and towers.

The proposed installation will help us to:

  • reduce our carbon footprint, conserve energy and improve our efficiency
  • reduce financial costs of energy, with electricity generated at the point of use
  • enable us to continue to provide free and subsidised hall space to community groups
  • invest in ongoing maintenance and upkeep of the Grade II* Listed building through the feed-in tariff generated

Solar PV is one of the most expensive options available to TCA for energy and carbon reduction, but is one of the most effective options - providing an effective technology for reducing carbon output and improving the level of renewable energy available. After installation there is very little effort required to support and maintain the system, making it a perfect carbon and cost saving measure.

Support from the Naturesave Trust to deliver this project will enable us to achieve sustainability through reducing our overheads and developing our revenue streams to ensure future core funding is not required to cover increasing centre running costs.

During his visit last year, Andrew Vines, Planning and Conservation Director, English Heritage, South West commented: “The Trinity Centre is a case in point of how old historic buildings can be given a new lease of life and once again become a key part of the community.”

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