You are here: Home / About us / Job Vacancies / Getting that job / Interviews / Example Questions / Can you give me an example of when you worked as part of a team?
by <object object at 0x7fcab27ad580> last modified 27/01/2011 03:26 PM
  • This question is asked to find out more about your social and interpersonal skills.

  • Quote examples of past participation in teams, committees or community organisations.

  • Avoid discussing reasons why you do not get on with certain people.

  • This is a good opportunity to give evidence of any situations which you may have had to use skills of negotiation, motivation or conflict resolution.

  • The employer is looking for you to show skills such as leadership as well as listening and observation skills.

  • They are looking for you to have an understanding of what makes a successful team and that you are adaptable and can work with many different people in order to reach a successful outcome.

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