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by dc — last modified 16/07/2015 09:57 AM


by dc — last modified 16/07/2015 09:57 AM
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by dc — last modified 05/07/2017 12:54 PM

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by dc — last modified 05/07/2017 12:54 PM


by dc — last modified 05/07/2017 12:54 PM

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by dc — last modified 05/07/2017 12:54 PM


by dc — last modified 05/07/2017 12:54 PM

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by dc — last modified 16/07/2015 09:57 AM


by dc — last modified 16/07/2015 09:57 AM
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by dc — last modified 05/07/2017 12:54 PM

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by dc — last modified 05/07/2017 12:54 PM


by dc — last modified 05/07/2017 12:54 PM

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by dc — last modified 05/07/2017 12:44 PM


by dc — last modified 05/07/2017 12:44 PM

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Schools Dance Workshops

by <object object at 0x7f6e0c78f580> last modified 24/02/2023 08:26 AM
Trinity and Movema are delivering dance provision in three local primary schools

Schools Dance Workshops

by <object object at 0x7f6e0c78f580> last modified 24/02/2023 08:26 AM
Schools Dance Workshops

Movema Schools Workshops - Image Credit: Ted Stargatt

Movema Schools Workshops - Image Credit: Ted Stargatt

As part of our children and young people’s programme we are working with Bristol-based dance company, Movema to deliver a year long activity of dance in local schools and at Trinity.

“It's been incredible to see individuals participate and have a positive attitude” - Teacher feedback

For the first part of the project, delivered in the autumn/winter term, Movema connected with Hannah More, St Nicolas of Tolentine and Evergreen primary schools to deliver their ‘World in a Box’ dance programme. Children who attend these schools have higher levels of protected characteristics including Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND).

In collaboration with teachers, the company identified children whose access to the arts may be limited by opportunity to take part in weekly workshops at their school. Across eight weeks, 174 children aged 5yrs-10yrs took part in the programme which included workshops exploring Indian, Caribbean and African dance, games and confidence-building activities and elements of arts and crafts.

The workshops had a positive impact on the children who took part; 80% of the children taking part said they had learned more about different cultures, 73% agreed they had learned new dance skills and 86% said they now wanted to do more dance as a result of taking part in the programme.

During the next stage of the programme in the winter and spring terms, children will be invited to take part in World Dance workshops during school holidays which will culminate in sharing what they've learned with their families and friends. Following this,  Carnival Dance Workshops will take place at Trinity. In these workshops, children will have the opportunity to celebrate celebrate St. Pauls Carnival.

Click here to read the announcement of our partnership with Movema.


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In Memoriam: Andre ‘Onj’ Sparkfield

by <object object at 0x7f6e0c78f580> last modified 11/02/2025 10:56 PM
1958-2025, Rest in the light

In Memoriam: Andre ‘Onj’ Sparkfield

by <object object at 0x7f6e0c78f580> last modified 11/02/2025 10:56 PM

In Memoriam: Andre ‘Onj’ Sparkfield, 1958-2025: Rest in the light

We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Andre ‘Onj’ Sparkfield, a true legend of the festivals scene.

Onj lit up the night sky at countless gatherings and events; not least through his many incredible free fireworks displays over the years at Trinity. These spectacular shows captured the spirit of creativity, joy and community. Displays that stopped traffic, attracted thousands and served as a cornerstone of what makes a city like Bristol sparkle.

His passion for bringing people together to witness something truly awesome, his DIY ethos and his unwavering energy embodied everything that makes grassroots culture so wonderful to be part of. Onj’s contributions over this time have been truly unforgettable and have provided so many of us with such magical memories.

Generosity, warmth, artistry and love. What a privilege it was to witness such a thing, just for a moment.

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Trembling Bells and Bonnie Prince Billy

by katen — last modified 20/01/2012 01:49 PM
Folk giants join forces to perform what promises to be an unforgettable night of freshly-penned songs...

Trembling Bells and Bonnie Prince Billy

by katen — last modified 20/01/2012 01:49 PM
Trembling Bells and Bonnie Prince Billy

Trembling Bells and Bonnie Prince Billy

Scottish avant-folk foursome Trembling Bells will be joined by American singer songwriter and cult hero, Bonnie Prince Billy (aka Will Oldham) at Bristol Trinity on May 3. The south west section of this UK tour is supported by Routes Southwest.

Trembling Bells' fresh approach to folk has been garnering praise from fans and critics. Stuart Maconie describes their music as "wild and romantic, witty and heartbreaking. It has both the charm of folk music and the power of rock".

Bonnie Prince Billy is a legendary figure who has produced more than 20 albums. He was a pioneer of Americana and has carved himself a reputation as an unpredictable genius. He has worked under the name Bonnie Prince Billy, Will Oldham, the Palace Brothers and Palace Music.

In this most recent collaboration, Bonnie Prince Billy will join Bells' lead vocalist Lavinia Blackwall to sing a set featuring new songs, most of which will appear on their collaborative, forthcoming album, The Marble Downs.

With Lavinia and Bonnie Prince Billy at the helm, the duo will be supported by Trembling Bells songwriter Alex Neilson on drums, Simon Shaw on bass and Mick Hastings on guitar to perform a mix of originals, covers and traditional songs.

For more information on both artists, head to and

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Public access

by <object object at 0x7f6e0c78f580> last modified 16/09/2024 02:16 PM
Trinity Centre public access statement

Public access

by <object object at 0x7f6e0c78f580> last modified 16/09/2024 02:16 PM
Public access

Public access of the Trinity Centre

If you would like to discuss your requirements, please contact us.

Public Access Statement

Trinity Community Arts' mission is to make sure that everyone has the opportunity to access and shape arts and culture in Bristol. We are committed to making sure our venue, activities and information is accessible to all.

Opening & closing times

The public have drop-in access to the interior of the building 9am-6pm Mondays-Saturdays throughout the year and the surrounding grounds are open to the public 24hrs. People can access the centre via a range of free and ticketed events and activities as well as through space hire. During private hires, access may be restricted.


Please visit the Space Hire area of our website, for more info or get in touch if you would like to arrange a viewing.


The garden is open all year round, during office hours, and is a space for public use. We also host community garden project activities from this space and deliver some events and host private parties. Please respect the space and other users. The garden has a circulation pathway that is wheelchair accessible.


There are four accessible parking bays located by the Daytime Reception area (left of the building). The front of the venue is also accessible. Our car park is 24hr Pay & Display and all visitors are required to pay and display, including Blue Badge Holders.

If you are taking part in a project activity run by Trinity Community Arts, you may be able to claim back your expenses - please speak your Trinity Event Organiser for more info. Community partners running activities at the Centre may also offer similar expenses for participants in community activities and projects.


A Duty Manager is on site whenever the venue is in use, responsible for first aid, health and safety and fire safety.


The Emergency Evacuation Point is located in the Trinity Garden. In the event of an emergency, the refuge point for the upstairs hall space is located on the landing area above the Reception.

We are able to provide you with assistance in the event of an emergency if you feel this is needed. Please get in touch prior to the event to discuss any particular requirements you have or if you require a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP).

Click here for more information about access.

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Trinity Development Project Update

by <object object at 0x7f6e0c78f580> last modified 16/08/2013 04:19 PM
Since May, members of the public have been telling us what they want to see happening with Trinity

Trinity Development Project Update

by <object object at 0x7f6e0c78f580> last modified 16/08/2013 04:19 PM
Trinity Development Project Update

It's still not too late to get involved and share your ideas about developing the Trinity Centre

Working alongside independent consultants 2Morrow 2Day and gcp Chartered Architects, TCA have engaged people through hosting focus groups, outreach work, a paper and online survey, events, road-shows, social media, website and blog so that everyone can have their say in how they would like to see the Trinity Centre developed.

So far over 500 individuals have completed an online or paper survey and over 100 regional and local voluntary organisations have also been engaged representing over 10,000 members in total.

Key groups engaged so far include Bristol City Council officers and councilors, community and voluntary sector organisations, arts and media groups and local residents.

Feedback so far includes that the Centre is "much loved" and "a gateway to the community", with one young person commenting "Trinity saved my life!"

Comments highlighting areas for improvement include "I used to go there but I don’t know what they do now", "The entrance is so confusing I nearly walked out" and "they need to smarten up that car-park".

Other general comments have included vital feedback about the services that are delivered currently including suggestions for future projects and improving the building. Case studies have been developed and will be used in final report.

Initial Findings

  • 70% of survey respondents are regular users whilst 30% haven’t ever visited Trinity in the last year or at all.
  • An early trend in the survey is the requested need for ‘Event space’ that enables performers, community meetings, theatre space, adult education/training and weddings reception.
  • As regards the building strong requests are being made for a fully accessible, heated, building.There is a 13% BME representation (city average) in terms of completing survey.

This initial feedback has been used to create three design options for the Centre - these will be used for the upcoming Stage 2 Consultation, which will take place between 4pm-7pm on the following dates/venues:


Stage 2

Stage 3

Arts Westside Café


6th August

17th September

Barton Hill Settlement


7th August

18th September

Easton Community Centre


8th August

19th September

The Trinity Centre


9th August

20th September

The three initial design options (see links below) will be used to provoke discussion and develop a final design that will be used as part of future Centre developments as well as to embark on the first stage of Development works if TCA are successful in their application to Big Lottery Reaching Communities Buildings Fund.

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